

・EMWとぎ汁発酵液 40~45g
・EMりんご糖蜜 小さじ1~2
・EM小麦粉、又は、EM全粒粉 50g


① ガラス瓶その他、道具類を煮沸消毒しておいてね。
② とぎ汁発酵液約45gと、りんご糖蜜小さじ2杯をガラス瓶に入れて、よく混ぜるの。
③ さらに、EM小麦粉orEM全粒粉50gを入れて、フォーク、又は箸で混ぜるわ。
④ 種のかさの位置に輪ゴムを留めるか、マスキングテープなどで目印を付けると分かりやすくて良いわね。
⑤ 瓶に蓋を軽く被せるか、キッチンペーパーで蓋を覆ってゴムで留めたりして、密閉しないようにして、暖かい場所に半日〜1日放置するの。
⑥ 種が膨らんできて、倍位の高さまで膨らんできたら、冷蔵庫で一晩寝かせてね。(最初の写真)
⑦ 翌日、冷蔵庫から取り出し、とぎ汁発酵液45gにりんご糖蜜を小さじ1杯を混ぜたものと、EM小麦粉or全粒粉50gを追加して入れて混ぜて、再び種のかさに目印を付けて、暖かい場所で放置するの。
⑧ 膨らんだら、また冷蔵庫で寝かせるか、急いでる場合は、続けて3回目の材料投入をしても大丈夫よ。⑦と同様に材料を追加投入し、再び放置して倍に膨らんだら、


Today I’ll introduce how to grow EM yeast.
◆preparations・Container as glass jar.(The pictures is 1000ml jar)・measuring spoon・fork or chopsticks
◆ingredients・fermented liquid made from water for washing rice with EMW 40~45g(Fermentation state well, is preferable that is foaming lively)・EM Apple molasses 1~2 teaspoon・EM flour or EM Whole wheat flour 50g① Please boil glass jar and utensils for keeping clean.② Put the EMW fermented liquid and EM Apple molasses into the jar and stir enough.③ Add EM flour or EM Whole wheat flour and stir by folk or chopsticks.④ It’ll be quite useful later on if you put the mark of the content’s top level by rubber band or masking tape.⑤ In order to cover the contents, put the lid lightly or wrap jar opening by paper towel and fasten with rubber band. Please note that the jar not to be sealed. Keep it in a warm place for a day(or a half day).⑥ Once the content is becoming twice as height by inflated, move the jar into the refrigerator and keep it from a half day to one day.In cold season, if it is not inflated quite, try to put the jar on a cairo or warm the jar in hot water, using hottie,warm bag, etc… it’s better to put the jar in warmer environment.⑦The next day , put out the jar from the fridge, give 1 teaspoon of apples molasses to EMW fermentation liquid 45g and mix it to the jar, then add EM flour or EM whole wheat flour 50g. Please mark the top level of content then keep the jar in a warm place again.From the second time, it’ll be enough in few hours until the content become doubled by inflated.You’ll understand the fermentation period gradually go shorten.In the case of slow fermentation, please try the jar warming strategy described above.⑧ Inflated once, keep in the fridge again, repeat this process again and again. If you are in a hurry, you can put in the material for the third time same as ⑦, then keep it in the fridge again.When it becomes doubled by inflated, you can use this homemade yeast for making bread.You can save it with a fridge for one week.Moreover, you can keep using this homemade yeast semipermanently as long as you keep adding same amount of materials after you used.
I think it’s better to put in larger amount of EM apples molasses especially at your first time because when I put 1 teaspoon, the fermentation failed but it went well with 2 teaspoons in my experience.Use larger amount of EM apples molasses if you have any concern about fermentation status. From next time you’ll get fermentation soon even if using only 1 teaspoon.I tried using the apple molasses but I can say it’ll go well by other kind of sugar.Please enjoy!!

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